Leila Atlassi
The soul of a room is more important than individual pieces of furniture. The idea for a product means more than the details. And collaboration is more rewarding than solo efforts.
That the whole is greater than its parts is fundamental to Leila Atlassi – and forms the basis of her designs. Because of a fondness for systems and structures, she often creates subtle furniture that is strengthened by repetition and allows for numerous designs and variations. This makes space for the user to continue creating – in the best case, something completely unique.
Leila Atlassi was born in 1980. A fascination with aesthetics and technology at an early age led her to become a designer and interior architect. Atlassi holds a Master of Fine Arts in design from the School of Design and Crafts at the University of Gothenburg, and also studied industrial design at Chalmers University of Technology. Since 2007, she has worked for Gert Wingårdh, one of Sweden’s best-known architects. In addition to her job, she also works on product and furniture design privately.